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Hometown: Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Fishing Style: Handline | Popping | Slow Jigging | Trolling
Born in Saudi Arabia, Fawzan started taking a real interest towards fishing many years ago. He always shows high fishing skills in his fishing trips and performs unique techniques in both shore and offshore fishing. Fawzan is a very successful saltwater fishermen. He likes fishing in challenging conditions where he needs to show all his knowledge and mastery of different techniques.
I love personally the setup, it can pull very heavy fishes. I caught many type of fishes such as big hamour and sherry
I use this in my setup size 14000 when casting for tuna or big fish. always work smooth.
i use right hand 2000 model in my jigging setup, its a amazing reel for jigging
The shirt color, i loved alot. Good fabric quality, it kept me cool white fishing
I love the color again, good for sun protection and sweat conttol
Rod is very strong and can pull big size fish very smoothly.
I use this in trolling, it give the best result always. you can focus on other things while it auto spooling.